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Renew & Refresh Your Financial Knowledge with BALANCE


Increase Your Financial Knowledge

With the changing of seasons comes a time for renewal. Let your financial knowledge bloom with the help of free BALANCE Financial Fitness resources! Whether you want to save for college, plan for retirement, or simply become more financially savvy, BALANCE gives SLFCU members tools to create a stronger financial future. BALANCE tools and resources cover common financial topics and are available in styles perfect for every learner, including:


Not sure how to start? Learn the basics of personal finance with BALANCE’s three educational modules – BalanceTrack, MyBalance, and Get In Balance. These modules cover topics ranging from basic money management to the psychology of spending. Lessons are broken down into easy-to-read chapters – go at your own pace and pick up where you left off if you’re interrupted. At the end of each lesson, there is a short quiz so you can see just how much you’ve learned!


Each month, BALANCE hosts webinars on different topics including how to build a budget, how to create an investment plan, first steps to homeownership, and more. Webinars are offered in day and evening sessions, making it easier to find a time that fits into your busy schedule. To see what topics will be covered in the coming months and to register, visit


If you want to learn more about a specific financial situation, like getting out of credit card debt, BALANCE can help. You can explore tips and strategies for nearly any financial situation with their no-nonsense articles. And if you’re ready to add numbers into the mix, BALANCE offers calculators to help determine the best strategy for reaching your unique financial goals.


Looking for bite-sized money advice? BALANCE offers podcasts and short, one-minute videos. These resources are ideal for anyone who wants to learn more about a financial topic but may not have the time to browse articles or participate in a webinar. If you only have a minute to spare or prefer to listen to podcasts while you accomplish other items on your to-do list, these resources are for you!

Ready to refresh your financial know-how? Visit

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