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Sandia Laboratory Federal Credit Union Sandia Laboratory Federal Credit Union Go to main content
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SLFCU Employees and Sandy the Lab pose in the back of a decorated truck for the Run, Rally and Rock ParadeROUTE 66 RUN, RALLY & ROCK PARADE

SLFCU mascot Sandy the Lab was part of the Route 66 Run, Rally & Rock parade in Edgewood in August, where Sandy's float was awarded a third-place ribbon for Best Commercial Entry. Thank you to everyone who came out for the event and stopped by our booth to say hello – we had a great time!



Sandy the Lab holding big check behind boxes filled with donated school suppliesSLFCU MEMBERS SUPPORT APS STUDENTS

Thank you to all of our generous members who brought school supplies to SLFCU branches or made monetary donations during the Sandia National Laboratories back-to-school supplies drive. The supplies and $250 donation check were delivered to Albuquerque Public Schools in early August and will benefit children in need.

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