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Sandia Laboratory Federal Credit Union Sandia Laboratory Federal Credit Union Go to main content
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Speak With an SLFCU Loan Officer Faster Than Ever!

SLFCU has made it easier to get help with auto, home, and personal loans. When you call SLFCU, you can now select option 3 in the automated system to be directed to a loan representative. This lets you bypass the main phone queue for a quicker connection to a representative who can help you with your loan.

We understand that it can be nice to know your options before you call SLFCU. Here are your new options when calling in:

Press Option
1 Access Your Account
2 Card Services
3 Loan Officer
0 Speak With a Representative
* More Options

You can save this information for your next call to SLFCU, but don’t worry it will be provided by the automated assistant upon calling. You can select your desired option by typing on your keypad, or by saying the option out loud.

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