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2021 in Review


A Conversation with Robert Chavez, CEO and Chuck Maheras, Board Chair

Photo of Robert Chavez and Chuck MaherasSLFCU: The Animas Credit Union merger was big news in 2021 – why is it important?

Robert: Historically, a majority of our members have been savers/depositors. But we also need members who are borrowers, too. Loans generate revenue that allows us to continue investing in new technology, branches, products, and services. The diversification, both demographically and geographically for SLFCU, will be very worthwhile.

Chuck: The founding spirit of credit unions is “people helping people.” The merger allowed SLFCU to drive home our culture of service to a new community in an expanded geographic area.

SLFCU: What would you choose as SLFCU’s biggest accomplishments in 2021, other than the merger?

Robert: Even through a pandemic, member loyalty and satisfaction improved quarter-over-quarter in 2021. And, although we had significant material delays and labor issues, our new Jefferson branch opened on January 18.

Chuck: Offering new credit card controls and boosting cash rewards on our credit cards rewards has been significant. As always, we want to help our members keep more of their money.

SLFCU: Technology, communication, and how work gets done all changed in 2021. How did the Credit Union pivot and thrive as the world evolved?

Robert: Two words: Online meetings! A good portion of our workforce now operates on a hybrid schedule, allowing work from home as much as 40% of the time. The technology and security to make this possible required a huge effort from our IT teams.

Chuck: To me, a prime example of SLFCU’s agility is how rapidly we extended more than $24 million in PPP loans to our business members under a federal program that offered limited guidance.

SLFCU: What do members have to look forward to in 2022?

Robert: Members will meet a new CEO in 2022. While I’m extremely proud of what I’ve been able to do on behalf of members over the last 21 years, I also recognize that 2022 will present a great opportunity for someone new to come in with fresh ideas and perspectives.

Chuck: 2022 will be a year of focus and change, including the system consolidation for ACU members in mid-year. Also, today’s challenging economic environment will require intentionality in support of our members’ financial wellness, and to ensure that our products and services meet the needs of a growing membership.

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