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Pictured are SLFCU employees Kimberley Craft and Dolores Cotinola collecting children’s books during our drive-thru book drop-off on April 17.OVER 10,000 CHILDREN’S BOOKS COLLECTED FOR NEW MEXICO SCHOOLS!

The SLFCU community donated over 10,000 children’s books in our 2021 Read to Me Book Drive. Some of the popular titles donated were “All are Welcome" by Alexandra Penfold and Suzanne Kaufman, and "Ranger Rick: I Wish I Was a Sea Turtle" by Jennifer Bové. The books will be distributed to 90 schools and community groups in Albuquerque and the four surrounding counties. Thank you to everyone who donated!

Pictured are SLFCU employees Kimberley Craft and Dolores Cotinola collecting children’s books during our drive-thru book drop-off on April 17.

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