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Don't Give Your Account Information to Scammers


We’ve all seen those suspicious emails, texts, and social media posts – a friend’s impersonal message that’s peppered with typos, the opportunity to win a shopping spree or a free round-trip flight. Sometimes these scams are obvious; other times they’re more difficult to identify.

More and more, scams are being perpetrated by someone posing as a friend, acquaintance, or someone you have met. Cyber criminals can create fake accounts or hack into real social media accounts. With the fake or compromised account, they try to trick you into giving them money by asking for your account information through a personal message.

Do not provide anyone your online banking credentials, credit card number, account number, or PIN. SLFCU will never ask you for your account number by initiating a phone call, email, or text. If you have shared your personal information, contact SLFCU immediately so we can take the necessary precautions to ensure the security of your information.

For more information about common fraud schemes, visit the FBI website at

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