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Sandia Laboratory Federal Credit Union Sandia Laboratory Federal Credit Union Go to main content
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MVD Direct Kiosks at SLFCU


One of the many reasons SLFCU members chose a credit union – instead of a bank – to manage their money is because credit unions are committed to people over profit. We actually get excited every time we can help our members keep more of their hard-earned money! Here’s one great example: MVD Direct kiosks at our Juan Tabo and Cottonwood branches are giving members (and non-members, too!) a fast, easy way to renew their vehicle registration right on the spot. And, they’re saving more than $30.00 per transaction in a fraction of the time they would spend at a privatized MVD.

SLFCU member Sandra J. said it best: “I appreciate SLFCU management having the MVD kiosks installed here. I used it last month and it was so simple and quick!”

MVD Direct kiosks are available Monday to Saturday during regular branch hours for members and non-members alike. SLFCU is donating a portion of each transaction fee to philanthropic organizations in our community. Learn more:

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