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Teen Article: SOLD! How to Resist Impulse Buying


SLFCU Teen Member Jaelyn Sigmon

Buy one, get one free! 50% off! We have the best price! Advertising is one of the many ways companies lure us into buying their products. It can affect some people's money habits more than others. Personally, I would say that it affects me in a moderate to somewhat high level.

When I see an online ad for cute clothes or the latest technology, I can’t help clicking on it and giving it a look. Ads have a way of making things look so attractive and appealing. They use words like “the latest and greatest” and “better than ever before.” When you see an ad, it can be hard to think logically when all you want to do is buy the new product.

So how can we resist advertisements? One of the ways I have calmed my spending is by limiting my exposure to ads. I look at social media less and try not to go online to look for things to buy. To limit my spending, I also ask myself questions like, “Do I really need this?,” “How often will I use this?,” “Will I get sick of this fast?,” “Is this worth my money?,” and, “Is this the best price?” When you ask yourself these questions, you can narrow down what you really need to buy and what would be a waste of your money.

Don’t let ads control your spending. You are in charge of your money habits. Remember to ask yourself questions to determine what you really need.

Teens Can Get $100

SLFCU members age 13-17 are invited to submit an article on a financial topic to be considered for publication in our Dollars & Sense newsletter and on our website. Teens are awarded $100 for published articles. Visit for details, topic suggestions, and to submit an article. SLFCU will review all submissions and respond within 30 days.

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